Neutron 4


Create a cutting edge mixing tool for sound engineers with a modern UX that follows our core design principles, a rethought AI-assistant, and an entirely new control type that feels native to the digital medium.



Color Palette

The primary Neutron orange is used to signify global controls while secondary colors were used to differentiate between different processing regions of the user's audio and to add small pops of color. All colors were AA contrast tested and color blind simulated.

Touch Your Audio

Following one of iZotope's core design principles, we designed each module to make the visual clear, the workflow easy, and the interactions directly on the audio.


Mix Assistant

My work on the Assistant View for Neutron 4 was focused on creating a user-friendly tool for audio engineers of all levels. By incorporating file referencing and machine learning technology, users can quickly and easily get a starting point for their mix and achieve a sound reminiscent of their favorite artists.


The Gauge

We recognized that the rotational feedback to a user's up-and-down mouse movement didn't feel that natural. The Gauge is our a digital take on a real-world control type. After extensive user research and experimentation, we landed on a control that felt both intuitive and effective.


Native Feeling - Moving your cursor up/down fills the gauge vertically.
Space Efficient - Knobs are great for saving space and we wanted to maintain that perk.
Interactive - Arrow indicators & readout units appear on-demand.
Check out our Medium article on the Gauge for a full write-up.


Unmask Module

Unmask was designed with the goal of solving a common problem for music producers: how to create space in a mix. The end result is a a tool that provides real-time visual feedback on frequency collisions, allowing users to easily make informed decisions about their track.


Punch Compressor

The Punch Compressor to simplify the process of controlling dynamics in music production. By utilizing semantic labeling, we were able to make it easy for users to adjust settings based on the desired effect, whether it's a punchy, aggressive or subtle sound.
Neutron 4 successfully launched with new powerful modules, a reimagined control type, AI-powered intelligence, and is one of the most highly praised audio mixing tools on the market today.

Ozone 10



Vocalsynth 2